I write to discover what I know
Flannery O’Connor
How To Hire An Escort (From An Escort)
A step-by-step guide for first-time clients on how to find, hire, and book an escort from me, an escort that you can find and book (if you’d like.)
What’re The Odds?
We are attracted to (and potentially fall in love with) the people around us. Or at the very least, we are more attracted to the people we have seen with our own eyes (either in person or on a screen) than people we have never seen before.
How an Escort Spends Her Saturday
…what DO I get up to on the weekends?!? Well, turns out that the answer is even more boring than you could have imagined.
Long Live Turner Field
Maybe I had been putting it off. I grew up at Turner Field. Truist is bigger, nicer, cleaner. Like the Braves had a string of good luck and moved to the “good” part of town.
Would I Ever Lie to You?
I’m pretend to be offended. “Would I ever lie to you?” The hint of a smile, the twinkle in my eye - obviously I am joking. At my core, I am a flirt. I believe everyone deserves to be flirted with once a day.
The Care Instinct
The Greeks had a word, xenia—guest friendship—a command to take care of traveling strangers, to open your door to whoever is out there, because anyone passing by, far from home, might be God.
Southern Summer: Agony and Ecstasy
“I’m having a good time,” I say out loud. I’m having a better time than good, and I’m going to make sure it keeps getting gooder and gooder. But I like to keep a few cards to myself.
Negroni Person
Certain beverages inspire such unwavering devotion that consumption becomes a facet of identity. Like coffee, scotch, and Diet Coke – you don’t so much “like” Negronis as you are “a Negroni person.”
Summertime Blues
As a hoochie with a coochie living way down yonder on the Chattahoochee, I gotta say Alan Jackson’s description of a Georgia summer is spot on.
Talk Therapy
“You aren’t treating this like a therapy session. We’re just talking.” Our conversation had become more serious, but it wasn't a burden. We were talking about our lives...which are kinda stressful these days. Every problem is a crisis. Emergency is the rule, not the exception. The funniest part was…this was very similar to therapy (but not in the way he thought.)