Anna Carter

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I’m not out about what I do to everyone, but my close friends know. I have a few friends that I’ve known since high school, and in our group, I was always the wholesome one. We like to joke that in our friend group, I was the least likely to become an escort. Life’s funny like that.


When people are looking for an elite blonde Atlanta escort near me I don’t think “wholesome” is tacked onto any part of that query.

Wholesome. Sometimes the word irks me. Makes me feel cute instead of hot, adorable instead of sexy.

The worst part is...I totally am wholesome though. “B-but-” I stammer “but I have a nose ring a-and when I need help falling asleep I’ll take a weed gummy! That’s right! I do drugs! And I cuss a lot! Do wholesome girls fucking cuss?!” Any attempt to prove my friends wrong and assert my true “bad girl” identity sounds silly and, well, wholesome. Wholesome is as wholesome does.


I’m not a bad girl. I never have been, never will be. I was a straight-A student in high school and graduated in the top 3%. I always did my homework. I never cheated. It never even occurred to me to cheat. My ideal way to spend a Friday night is picking up a pizza and working on some writing or maybe meeting up with a close friend for a few glasses of wine before getting home at a reasonable hour. I like hanging out with my cats and wish I could pet every dog that I pass on the street. My favorite thing to wear are my overalls. I like antique shopping. I smile and wave at babies in the grocery store. I like picking my friends up from the airport. Dirty jokes make me blush.


I don’t mind being wholesome. But I guess I don’t know any other way to be.


Sometimes I like to try out being a bad girl. It’s fun! Mostly because no one expects the good girl to do bad things. And when I want to try on being a bad girl, I get to do it covertly.


But being a bad girl feels like a costume. I get to try it on every now and then, but afterwards it goes back into the closet. At my core, despite my nose ring and the fact that I sprinkle in ‘fuck’ every now and then for dramatic effect, I’m a very good girl. I’m the girl you take home to mom.


But every now and then – when no one is expecting it - I’ll pull out the costume. I get to surprise people, sometimes myself most of all.

Hi! I’m Anna Carter, a GFE escort in Manhattan, NYC. I’m originally from Atlanta, GA.