I write to discover what I know
Flannery O’Connor
On Getting Older
I was recently talking to a friend who is approaching 50 years old. We’ve known each other for quite a while, and I was curious about what was changing for her now that she’s approaching a new decade. How was she seeing the world differently? How was she seeing herself differently?
On Pumpkin Spice
The onslaught of pumpkin spice stirs an irrational irritation not because I dislike Pumpkin Spice Lattes™, but because its debut reminds me that consistent Fall weather is at least 2 months away.
The Myth of “Special Sex”
I grew up hearing that too. Sex should be special. But how exactly does that work? If you’re waiting until marriage and sex with them isn’t “special,” did you totally fuck everything up?
Negroni Person
Certain beverages inspire such unwavering devotion that consumption becomes a facet of identity. Like coffee, scotch, and Diet Coke – you don’t so much “like” Negronis as you are “a Negroni person.”