Anna Carter

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On Pumpkin Spice

This was originally published in my newsletter, which you can subscribe to here

There comes a point every summer where I reach my breaking point. Some specific day where the summer’s relentless smother exceeds my enjoyment of pools and short shorts and lazy porch nights. The inciting incident is different every year, but it predictably occurs 2.5 weeks after my birthday (August 5.) The anticipation of my birthday buoys me through April, May, June, July. Birthdays don’t last forever, and neither does summer. At least for everywhere but Atlanta.

Some random day between August 21-31, pumpkin spice arrives.

The onslaught of pumpkin spice stirs an irrational irritation not because I dislike Pumpkin Spice Lattes™, but because its debut reminds me that consistent Fall weather is at least 2 months away.

The first crisp fall morning will land in late September. There will be two blustery, amber-leaf-filled days around October 15th. After GA/FL weekend (or Halloween for those who don’t observe Christian holidays), fall weather will no longer be relegated to the morning and evening, but experienced during the daytime as well.

I am aware of this timeline when I make eye contact with the display of pumpkin flavored coffee and cans of pumpkin puree and Reese’s pumpkins (the greatest of all limited-edition Reese’s shapes!) It is August 20-somethingth - fall is so close, and yet so far away. I believe that there is a future where I won’t be sweating at 9:30am, but right now the thought of being in a sweater makes me nauseous.

The pumpkin rolls and the mesh bags filled with mini ornamental are mocking me. They are harassing me. I pass by the display and attempt to keep my poker face when a Publix pumpkin pie (my favorite!!) calls after me, “Did you know it’s 65 degrees in Chicago right now?”

Hi! I’m Anna Carter, a GFE escort in Manhattan, NYC. I’m originally from Atlanta, GA.